Saturday, June 7, 2014

Planting jasmine is generally not required

Planting jasmine is generally not required in total tillage would like to plant vegetables, but made enough planting hole with a length, width and depth of successive namely: (30-40) cm x (30-40) cm X 30 cm and weeds cleared disekitamya . However the case for experienced farmers, these farmers to manage land intensively. First created groove ADRO TEXTILE Konveksi Murah Indonesia – Tlp 081362666444 !as deep as 30 cm and width (30-40) cm, then the groove is filled with a compost of various agricultural waste materials such as dry grass, manure and others, then covered the ground and made the mounds as high as (20-30) cm with a view to enriching the organic matter in the soil. Furthermore, approximately 1 month later the seedlings were planted on the mounds with a predetermined distance. Before the seeds are planted, soil and compost at planting holes first and then stirred teriebih planted seedlings.
Jasmine plant spacing varies both within row spacing or distance between rows. It depends on the location (region) and the experience of farmers as well as the type of jasmine is planted. In principle spacing needs to refer to efforts to avoid overlap between plants canopy. It is influenced by the type of morphology of cultivars grown.
Spacing for J. sambac generally about (30-40) cm in the row and (100-120) cm between rows. In India used a spacing of 2 m X 2 m, but from observation suggests that the increase in population of 2,500 plants to 10,000 plants per hectare may improve the results of 169% interest (Nambisan and Khrisnan, 1980). Determination spacing is also influenced by soil fertility. In a more fertile soil used wider spacing than the less fertile soil.
Jasmine plants requires providing sufficient nutrients and continuously in order to obtain results of high interest and sustainable harvest. Fertilization balanced and evenly throughout the year is essential for productive crop is in bloom. Madu
Kursus SEO dan Internet Marketing Terbaik di Jakartarai (Agricultural College), fertilizer N - P205 - K2O at a dose of 240 - 240-240 g / plant, the third year may improve the outcome of interest 109.5% of the control (Nambisan and Krishnan, 1980). Kinds of fertilizers used are urea, super phosphate and K2S04 and given two doses of each half and added 10 kg of manure for each plant.

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