Thursday, March 20, 2014

The first fertilizer should be at the beginning of the rainy season

The first fertilizer should be at the beginning of the rainy season ( September-October ) and the second at the end of the rainy season ( March-April ) .
Pulau Pari  NASA POC
a. Dose POC NASA began early planting :0-36 mths 2-3 cap / diluted to taste and pour around the base of the stem , every 4-5 months> 36 mo 3-4 cap / diluted to taste and pour around the base of the stem , every 3-4 months
b . NASA POC doses on plants that have been produced but not from the start wearing NASA POC
Phase 1 : Apply 3-4 times in succession at intervals of 1-2 months . Dose 3-4 cap / treePhase 2 : Apply every 3-4 months. Dose 3-4 cap / treeNote : It would be better punctuated administration / plus NASA SUPER 1-2 times / year with a dose of 1 bottle to + 200 plant . How to see Planting Techniques ( Point 3.2.3 . )
3.4 . trimming leaves
There are three types of pruning are:a. pruning sandThrow away dried leaves , fruit or fruit
Pulau Pari rot first time 16-20 month -old plants .b . production cutsCut leaves that grow overlapped ( songgo two ) for the preparation of the harvest age of 20-28 months .c . trimming maintenanceDiscard the leaves songgo two on a regular basis so that there are a number of staple crops only 28-54 strands .
3.5 . castration FlowersCut flowers male and female plants are grown at 12-20 months old .
3.6 . Artificial pollinationTo optimize the amount of fruit bunches , artificial pollination assisted by humans or insects .
a. Pollination by humansDone when the plants are 2-7 weeks old female flowers being repressive ( female flowers are ready to be pollinated by male pollen ) . The hallmark of repressive flowers are open anthers , stigma color reddish and slimy .
How pollination :

Bak flower sheath .
Mix pollen with pure talc ( 1:2 ) . Pollen taken from the tree of good and usually prepared in the laboratory , spray pollen on the stigma of using baby duster / puffer .
b . Pollination by insect pollinators Palm OilCamerunicus Elaeidobius insect pollinators attracted to the smell of male flowers . Insects released when the female flowers being repressive . The advant
Agen Judi Onlineages of this method is the fruit bunches larger , fruit shape is more perfect , more oil production 15 % and production of core ( kernel oil ) increased to 30 % .

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