Saturday, May 24, 2014

A good environment is very supportive of growth prawns

Prawns like searching for food at night or in the dark ( nocturnal ) . Prawns are greedy animals and eating everything ( Omnivore ) . Food includes microorganisms , plankton , algae , moss , even grain . Prawns also have the potential to transform and cannibalism
Agen Casino Online ( eating prawns others ) , especially prawns which were in a state of molt very prone to eat his own when in the pool or pond less available food . So as to avoid cannibalism is the nature , need to be given extra food ( In Feed Rate ) .
Prawns naturally live in the river associated with the sea , this is because during the growth of the larvae to juvenile ( fry ) live in brackish water . Then the post- larva to adult and breeding process ( marriage ) takes place in freshwater prawns can also be cultivated in brackish water ponds , provided salinity ( salinity ) not more than 7 PROMIL . Ideally prawns very well if cultivated at an altitude of 400 m to 500 m from sea level . But still can tolerate up to an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level .

Sampling for health testing prawns ( Macrobrachium rosenbergii ) with a random number of shrimp in accordance with the need for visual and microscopic observation .
Visual observations made ​​for the examination of the symptoms of disease and morphological perfection prawns ( Macrobrachium rosenbergii ) .
Microscopic observations made ​​for the examination bodies pathogens ( parasites , fungi , viruses and bacteria ) in the laboratory .

Agen Judi BolaDisease that often attacks are caused by shrimp mossy water depth in the pond inadequate with poor circulation , to overcome problems with water circulation can be installed windmills .5 . FUTURE HARVEST prawns

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